Yekatit 12 Senior Secondary School, Addis Ababa

​Working with Balcha Berhanu, Professor in Midwifery at the University of Addis Ababa and Elsa Hailemariam, Science teacher at Yekatit 12 Senior Secondary School.
​Since 2010 Balcha & Elas have taught thousands of girls and hundreds of teachers the art of making reusable feminine pads, girls under ware and teaching Menstrual Hygiene Management in many schools in Addis Ababa.
Sebasta Negasi School, Addis Ababa

January 2016 the International Fund for Africa invited G2W to provide training for seconday school teachers and high school students.
Topics covered included teaching the attendees how to run a workshop for teaching students how to make their own reusable feminine pads and Menstrual Hygiene. ​​

Gondar Workshop
Columbia Nursing Student Monica leads a group at the Train the Trainer workshop in Gondar.
Girls2Women had been invited by Rabbi Kokeb Gedamu Director of the International Organization: House of Israel International Ministry (HIIM). The Columbia Nursing students Andrea, Kinikia, Monica, Sylvia, Roma and Kripa made it possible.
​The workshop was held on the plot of land where HIIM will build the training center. Thirty six men & women, teenage boys & girls were taught the basics of Menstrual Hygiene Management including how to make reusable feminine pads, panties and baby diapers from local cotton. They will be the trainers when the center opens.

Kassanet School, Mekelle
​Kassanet School has been an exemplenary school since the project was launched in 2010. Teachers, Administrators continue to support & promote the project by training students the art of design and tailoring.
The electric sewing machine donated by G2W in 2011 has more that served its purpose. Two classes of 15 students each have graduated as tailors.
Feminine pads, baby diapers and clothing are part of their production.
Columbia Nursing Students, Sylvia and Kripa, working with students in Mayliaham school, Mekelle.